For the fourth time, I have been invited to one of the highlights of the Hungarian Painting Day: the Women's Line exhibition. Opening on 18th october. We look forward to seeing you all!

For the third time, I have been invited to one of the highlights of the Hungarian Painting Day: the Women's Line exhibition. Opening on 18th october. Finissage on 18th november. We look forward to seeing you all!

The30th Hajdú-Bihar County Exhibition entitled Fresh Harvest will open at the Kölcsey Center in Debrecen on Sunday, October 3, 2021, and there I will also exhibit. The exhibition is open until October 31. We look forward to seeing you all!

Between 2-18 July 2021, the Hajdúsági International Artists Colony took place in Hajdúböszörmény, where I was invited along with 15 other artists. The following photo gallery gives you a taste of the atmosphere of the colony.