She was born on June 21, 1975 in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary. 

She learned the basics of drawing in the Medgyessy Circle in Debrecen.

She graduated as a painter and teacher at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pécs, and then studied painting and design graphics with scholarships at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts in Germany.

During and after her fine art studies, she painted abstract images.

Between 2001 and 2020, she created graphic works for well-known international and domestic companies, while she started painting again in 2013 and then taught in 2016.

In contrast to her earlier abstract world, her work in recent years builds on classical painting traditions, with an emphasis on creating purely visual aesthetic qualities. She uses her own photographs as documentation of her experiences and vision as the starting point for her images, but the reality of the sight is always replaced by the display of her inner reality. Reaching out to any subject, her paintings are about conflicts of color and form, problems of composition, and the conscious ordering of unconscious processes of creation along the laws of image.

She has been living and working in Budapest since 2000.

She has been a member of the National Association of Hungarian Artists since 2001 and of the Sociaty of Hungarian Painters since 2022.



1993. 09- 1999. 06.: University of Pécs, Faculty of Arts, specialization in painting, diploma: 1999.

1998. 09. 09- 2000. 08. 08.: Akademie Der Bildenden Künste / Academy of Fine Arts, Germany, Munich. Graduate and postgraduate studies in painting and design graphics with Sokrates/Erasmus and DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) scholarships.


2000- 2020. Graphic designer, art director - applied graphic design for international and national companies

2016 - 2022. Model Fashion School, Csömöri Mátyás Király Elementary School, painting, drawing, visual culture teacher

2017-2020: private and corporate painting workshops

2022 - 2023: Szerb Antal High School, visual culture and arts teacher


2023 Tendencies - exhibition of the Society of Hungarian Painters, Szeged, Reök palota

2023 Fresh Voices - exhibition of new members of the Hungarian Painters' Society, Budapest, Újpest Gallery

2023. sunny side - solo exhibition, Budapest, Óbudai Társaskör

2022. Christmas / present - exhibition of the Society of Hungarian Painters, Vízivárosi Gallery, Budapest

2022 Selection from the exhibition Női Linie XI, Budapest, Semmelweis Salon2022 Selection from the exhibition Női Linie XI, Budapest, Semmelweis Salon

2022 Hungarian Painting Day, Women's Line XI, Budapest, Zikkurat Gallery of the National Theatre

2021 Inner Silence - the most popular artists of the 2020 Virtual Spring Exhibition, Debrecen, Kölcsey Centre

2021 Hungarian Painting Day, Women's Line X, Budapest, National Theatre Zikkurat Gallery

2021 Fresh Harvest - 30th Hajdú-Bihar County Exhibition, Debrecen, Kölcsey Centre

2019 Hungarian Painting Day, Women's Line VIII, Budapest, National Theatre Zikkurat Gallery

Autumn show 2019, Budapest, Erzsébetligeti Theatre

Autumn show 2017, Budapest, Erzsébetligeti Theatre

Autumn ahow 2016, Budapest, Erzsébetligeti Theatre

2001. Margitsziget Thermal Hotel Gallery , Budapest

2001 Mercedes Salon Regensburg, Germany

2001. Gallery of the Pharma Klinge drug company, Munich, Germany

2000 Budatétényi Gallery, Budapest

2000.Galerie Audi Hirschauer, Munich, Germany

1999. Gallery Mövenpick am Stachus, Munich, Germany

1999. Cultural house, Zalaszentgrót

1998. Approximation Gallery, Pécs, Hungary

1998. JPTE Training Centre, Pécs

1998. Municipal Concert and Exhibition Hall, Zalaegerszeg

1997. Approximation Gallery, Pécs

1997. Dóm Museum, Pécs

1997. Castle Gallery, Pécsvárad

1997. Sillye Gábor Cultural Centre, Hajdúböszörmény

1997. Martyn Ferenc Gallery, House of Arts, Pécs

1996. Gallery of the House of Educators, Pécs

1996. Castle Gallery, Pécsvárad